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Concept Development | Themed Entertainment

Efteling Academy concept development

During my bachelor degree program, I took part in the Efteling Academy. The Efteling Academy consisted of a team of six selected students from various academies within Breda University of applied sciences. The team was given the assignment by the Efteling’s creative director to develop a new entertainment concept for the world of the Efteling.

The Efteling academy team

Over the course of a semester, the team conducted research and consulted with many different professionals both inside and outside of the Efteling. During the project we were allowed to talk to- and ask help from anyone in the organization, which made it quite a special experience. Our final deliverable consisted of a research report, concept description, early designs and a preliminary (technical)feasibility study.

Besides contributing to the research work and concept development, I was the team chairman. I made sure meetings were well prepared and the project documentation was kept up to date.

After the final presentation, our concept was very well received (and graded) by the stakeholders within the Efteling.